MERCURY Kick-Off Meeting, 19-21 February 2009, Saarbrücken, Germany
The Kick-Off meeting for the MERCURY project “Towards Research and Entrepreneurial University Models in the Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian Higher Education” (144855-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPHES) took place on 19-21 February, 2009 in Saarbrucken, Germany.
The meeting was based on content and organisation issues discussions, including the opening speeches from the Vice Rector for research and technology transfer of Saarland University, Prof. Dr. Manfred Lücke, and from the Managing Director of the Technology Transfer Office at Saarland University, Mr. Wolfgang Lorenz.
The event was largely devoted to the discussion of the project work plan (activities’ content, schedule, reporting), managerial and financial issues and offered attendees an excellent opportunity to get to know each other.
The project consortium members presented their home institutions in the afternoon session.
The final part of the meeting combined the settlement of the dates for the upcoming Study Visits and looked at future directions in the project internal communication, organisation and external project dissemination.
Thus, the meeting allowed a good and precise start of the coming three-year MERCURY project work.
>> Download programme in English (*.pdf)
>> View list of presentations
>> View pictures of the event